Corporate Social Responsibility

Our Corporate Social Responsibility

Online shopping has become part of our life and is expect to grow even further. This surges in online shopping have led to immense amounts of deliveries and possibly, an overflow of packaging materials. Although from the eco-friendly perspective, the best packaging is no packaging, it’s hardly possible to refuse to wrap at all to avoid damage during transport.


At Kidomotto, we feel the obligation to minimise our impact on the environment and build a better planet and future for our children. As a parent ourselves, it breaks our hearts to imagine that our children could be facing serious environmental issues due to pollution in the near future.

Although we are a small business, we put great focus on reusing resources. We strongly believe that the concept of reusing resources is far better for the environment than recycling. You hear a lot about recycling, however, reusing uses much less energy and when you look around you, there is so much that you can reuse! This obviously does not mean that we do not recycle, however, our priority is to reduce, reuse and finally recycle.


You might have noticed that the cardboard on our packaging is not always uniform, that is, it might have some other company's logo or printing. The reason behind this, is that we work closely with local businesses and reuse their cardboard that would otherwise be recycled or even worse, thrown away! This process of collecting cardboard from local businesses is not as time efficient as using new or recycled cardboard, however, we believe that this is what we can do at the moment to minimise our carbon footprint. We also try to reuse as much bubble wrap and foam when packing our products and printing paper as possible.


We will never stop innovating and thinking how to minimise our impact on the environment in order to build a brighter future for our children!


With love, Kidomotto.